Step 1: Sketch a rough circle for the iris and whatever eye shape you prefer. Eye widths and lengths vary person to person so adjust accordingly. Make sure you don't forget to include the caruncula lacrimalis (the fleshy pink area next to your tear ducts). I chose a standard Caucasian eye.

Step 2: Draw the pupil in the middle of the circle. Pupils enlarge and shrink depending on light but it is a commonly known artistic concept that larger pupils seem friendlier and will tend to make the viewer like the character whereas small pupils radiate meanness and will tend to cause the viewer to dislike the character. Erase the top of the circle which is not included in the eye and draw in the upper eyelid. Once again, eyelids vary so adjust accordingly. Outline the caruncula lacrimalis and lower eyelid.

Step 3: Lightly shade the areas around the upper eyelid, eye, iris and fill in the pupil. Mark out the area of reflection on the iris.

Step 4: Layer on the shading with your lightly shaded guideline from Step 3. The eye is a bit like the surface of the globe. Enhance the lower eyelid to prepare for light reflection on the waterline.

Step 5: Continue shading and darkening until you are satisfied. Remember, the the light reflection on the iris, immediate area around the iris and the skin on the inner corner to the middle of the eye typically catch light so do not shade in those areas. You can stop here if you want. I find that eyelashless eyes can be very striking and poignant.

Step 6: Darken and enhance more if you wish until it looks as three-dimensional as you like. Sketch in the eyelashes. Remember, the eyelashes are typically curled so do not draw them in a straight line.

Step 2: Draw the pupil in the middle of the circle. Pupils enlarge and shrink depending on light but it is a commonly known artistic concept that larger pupils seem friendlier and will tend to make the viewer like the character whereas small pupils radiate meanness and will tend to cause the viewer to dislike the character. Erase the top of the circle which is not included in the eye and draw in the upper eyelid. Once again, eyelids vary so adjust accordingly. Outline the caruncula lacrimalis and lower eyelid.
Step 3: Lightly shade the areas around the upper eyelid, eye, iris and fill in the pupil. Mark out the area of reflection on the iris.
Step 4: Layer on the shading with your lightly shaded guideline from Step 3. The eye is a bit like the surface of the globe. Enhance the lower eyelid to prepare for light reflection on the waterline.
Step 5: Continue shading and darkening until you are satisfied. Remember, the the light reflection on the iris, immediate area around the iris and the skin on the inner corner to the middle of the eye typically catch light so do not shade in those areas. You can stop here if you want. I find that eyelashless eyes can be very striking and poignant.
Step 6: Darken and enhance more if you wish until it looks as three-dimensional as you like. Sketch in the eyelashes. Remember, the eyelashes are typically curled so do not draw them in a straight line.
wow this really helped me